Walking over raised poles - why is it so beneficial for your horse?


I love hearing from my clients about how they have been getting on with the prescriptive exercises I challenge them to between visits 😀

Here is one I received today, an ingenious take on a raised poles challenge using the equipment my client had available to her.


What I really like is the random spacing and heights of the poles.

This exercise is great for:


Your horse will need to engage their core stabilising muscles as they lift their limbs and raise their back and thoracic sling (shoulders) to clear the raised poles


Your horse will flex the limb joints, lumbosacral region (pelvis), and stretch over the top line in order to clear the raised poles


Your horse needs to be aware of where their limbs and body is in space in order to negotiate the random distancing of the poles and not knock them or fall over them

🔺This simple exercise is best performed at a walk

This is because there is no moment of suspension in the gait in walk so pure muscle contraction is required to perform the task and the horse is not relying on momentum to carry them over the poles

🔺I also recommend performing the task in-hand

This allows the horse to find their own balance without the rider either unbalancing them or unwittingly providing support for the horse meaning they are relying on the rider and not fully engaging their own muscles to complete the task

Being on the ground also gives you the chance to observe your horse and the way they are moving over the poles 👀

Here is a video of one of my own horses walking over raised poles - I hope you find this useful.

This task is suitable for MOST horses - but if you are unsure check with your therapist and/or vet before giving it a go 🙂

Jess | Jessica Limpkin Equine Massage Therapy