Introduction to Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, also referred to as PEMF, uses a range of different frequencies to help stimulate different cells in the body, helping them to work more efficiently.
The body is made up of numerous tissue cells which all need energy to function. Inside the cells, growth and other functions are controlled by electromagnetic oscillations.
Damaged, fatigued or inefficient cells will have their metabolic processes impaired and a less effective electromagnetic field.
PEMF therapy uses tiny electrical signals that stimulate the cells, and help restore their natural electromagnetic field. This results in more regulated cells, with membrane channels opening up allowing more nutrients into the cell and waste products out. Once enough cells are restored they will all work more efficiently.
PEMF therapy is sometimes described as cellular exercise or as a massage for the cells. The cells in the horse’s body engage when the electromagnetic field is active and relax in between the pulses. The process is enjoyable, it’s relaxing, and it helps horses feel better faster.
Jess uses the Activomed Wave-light-pulse Cluster system to apply PEMF therapy to your horse.
This system can also simultaneously deliver Infra-red light therapy alongside PEMF for a more powerful and effective treatment.
PEMF therapy is safe, painless and non-invasive. Your horse will not feel the pulse of the magnetic field although horses do often become very relaxed and soothed during the session.
A surcingle with a battery & control box attached will be placed on your horse, Jess will then use the attached hand held cluster to apply the therapy to the targeted area(s) of your horse.
There are many specific benefits to the body from applying PEMF therapy, these include:
Reduced pain, inflammation and the stress on the body.
Improved energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation.
Increased nutrient uptake, cellular detoxification and regeneration.
Balancing of the immune system.
Accelerated repair of bone and soft tissue damage.
Relaxed muscles.
Improved mobility.