Jess is a registered member of the N.A.R.E.M.T (National Association of Registered Equine Massage Therapists) and has completed the Practitioner Course In Equine Massage Therapy with Centaur Equine Massage Training.
This course has been externally accredited by the UK Rural skills, as an approved UK Rural Skills training school. Centaur Equine Massage Training is externally quality assured to guarantee students receive the highest quality of education.
The course has provided Jess with a firm understanding of the horses physiological workings, conformation analysis, gait analysis, saddle fitting, the fittening & repair process, contraindications to massage, working disciplines and their major muscular stress points and the natural laws of equine locomotion. As well as a comprehensive knowledge of equine massage therapy techniques and how and when to apply them.
Jess is a fully insured Equine Professional.

Jess is an FEI Permitted Equine Therapist and can be found on the FEI register.
Meaning she can treat horses & ponies whilst they are competing at FEI events.