After your horse’s treatment Jess will often recommend exercises and stretches you can do with your horse between treatments.

These techniques are prescribed to help your horse to keep benefiting from the treatment they have received and keep making progress to improve their flexibility, suppleness, strength and tone.

Please only attempt the exercises prescribed by Jess for your particular horse.
Some of these techniques may not be suitable for all horses.

If unsure, or if you can’t find a video demonstrating the exercise you have been prescribed please contact Jess to ask her advice.

Cross Fibre Grooming

Ear Rotations & Ear Stretch

Backing Up

Baited Core Stretches

Tail Pull

Forelimb Retraction Stretch

Knee Mobilisation

Fan of Poles

Neck Mobilisation

Hind Leg Mobilisation

Hind Quarter Reflex

Hamstring Stretch

Baited (Carrot) Stretches

Hind Leg Protraction Stretch

Walking Over Raised Poles


Forelimb Protraction Stretch

Elbow Stretch

Fetlock Mobilisation

Tail Push Mobilisation

Poll Mobilisation

Hip Mobilisation

Pre-exercise Routine

Foreleg Rotations

Hind Leg Retraction Stretch

Walking Obliquely Over Poles

Tail Mobilisations

Forelimb Lateral Stretches

Hindleg Lateral Stretch

Hind Leg Medial Stretch

Wither Rock

Sternum Lift

Thoracic Sling Stretch

Post-exercise Routine