Recommendation to clients - New Equine Anatomy Colouring Book by Horses Inside Out


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I really wanted to share with you guys a bit about my latest treat to myself.

When I saw that Gillian Higgins from Horses Inside Out was releasing a new book I was really excited, I love Gillian’s books.

When I saw that the new book was a mindfulness colouring book based on horse anatomy I just knew I had to have a copy. And when it arrived I can tell you I was not disappointed!


I actually already have some equine anatomy colouring books, they are older releases that are available and they really helped me when I was studying for my Equine Massage Practitioner exams. But this book is different. The ones I already have are very ‘text book’ type with typical drawings of horses standing square and some of the body parts. So although it is quite cool to be able to learn this way by colouring in, it still feels like you are studying and working when you are completing them.

What struck me about Gillian’s new book ‘Exploring Equine Anatomy – A Mindfulness Colouring Book’ when it first arrived was actually the size of the book.

I was expecting your standard A4 size like my others but this is much bigger, and reminds me more of an artist’s scrap book then a learning tool.

And before you even open it the beautiful colours on the cover and the way in which the cover horse is drawn, in action, makes the book seem so much more inviting.


I also love the font Gillian has chosen for the text in the book, soft scrolling text, makes you feel all dreamy just reading the words, much more fun that the usual font in an anatomy book.

I hope Gillian doesn’t mind but I wanted to share the introduction with you, a true testament to the beauty of the horse, and just makes you want to get flicking through the pages to see the wonderful drawings:

‘The intricacies of their anatomy, the marriage of design and function, their beauty, elegance, performance and the wonder of their engineering outshines anything man can create.

In today’s world, time spent peacefully, calmly and gently with the horse can quieten the mind and put life into perspective.

This colouring book celebrates the beauty of the horse from the Inside Out’

The book includes some drawings that Gillian has coloured in herself, these provide great inspiration for what we can do with the line drawings in the book that are there for us to colour in. Although I am not sure my colouring and shading will be quite to Gillian’s standard!


Some of the drawings have anatomical labels to assist with learning, others are just beautiful drawings to colour and enjoy without the need to know what part is which if we don’t want to.


I think these are the mindfulness pages, sometimes just colouring and enjoying the beauty of the horse is enough, I love learning and want to know everything there is about horse anatomy and biomechanics. But sometimes my brain needs a time out, and I can’t wait to get my coloured pencils out on a rainy afternoon and enjoy filling these in.

Also throughout the book Gillian has included gorgeous phrases and quotes from various horse trainers, writers, and also Chinese proverbs.

I have been looking through to see if I can find a favourite to share with you, but they are all so good!

But here is an example:

‘A horse gallops with it’s lungs, perseveres with it’s heart and wins with it’s character’ – Federico Tesio

There are lots of lovely ones to read, they warm the heart.

I have just realised this blog is getting quite long, and there is lots more I could write, but the best way to see how good this book is would be to get yourself a copy.

I think whether you are a horse therapist, trainer, owner or just a horse lover who appreciates beautiful art this is such a lovely book to have and Gillian has done it so well.

She is a very talented artist and the combination of beautiful drawings and the chance to learn more about the way our horse’s bodies work is so cool!

I am definitely putting this book on my list of recommendations for my clients!

I will add a link here to where you can purchase the book (please note I do not benefit in anyway from sales of this book, I just genuinely think it’s good)

I hope you have found this blog useful.

I do try to write once a week about something informative that will hopefully empower you as horse lovers to increase your knowledge in order to help your horses be the best versions of themselves they can be.

You can find more of my blogs here.

Many thanks,

Jess | Jessica Limpkin Equine Massage Therapy