Let's Talk About Travelling Our Horses


Travelling our horses is something many of us do on a regular basis 🚛

There are a number of considerations when travelling our horses:

▪️Protecting their legs – Travel boots

▪️Protecting their tail – Tail guard

▪️Protecting their poll – poll guard?

▪️Forage for the journey

▪️Water for the horse to drink and for cooling them off

▪️Wicking rugs to help with cooling them off

▪️Making the journey as stress free as possible

▪️Getting to the event on time ❗️

I am sure there are more common considerations I have missed❓

⁉️But how may of us consider our horse’s musculoskeletal health and fitness and how it might affect their ability to travel and perform?


‼️Don’t forget often your horse will travel to the destination, be it a lesson, clinic, fun ride or competition and then have to perform the task and travel home often on the same day ☀️ 🌑

🚛 Even with a sympathetic driver travelling in a lorry or trailer on a road uses as much of your horse’s energy as walking the same distance 😨

😴 The implication of this is that travelling is tiring for horses 🐴

And if your horse is fatigued they are more likely to be susceptible to injury 🤕

❗️If you plan to travel to and from your planned outing on the same day you need to make sure your horse is fit enough to do this along with performing the task you are asking them to do❗️

❓How does this relate to Equine Massage Therapy?

▪️Equine Massage Therapy alongside your training regime will help to ensure your horse’s musculoskeletal system is in the best possible condition to cope with the additional stress put upon it when travelling ✔️

▪️Equine Massage Therapy also assists in making sure other functions of the body are working to their optimum potential, supporting your horse and aiding in preventing travel fatigue ✔️

Benefits of Equine Massage Therapy include:

▪️Removal of lactic acid which causes fatigue

▪️Releases muscle spasms or trigger points

▪️Improves muscle tone

▪️Improves muscle flexibility, suppleness and elasticity

▪️Reduces risk of pulled muscles

▪️Reduces risk of repetitive strain/overuse injury

▪️Minimises stiffness

▪️Improves and reduces muscle atrophy

▪️Induces rapid cell renewal and tissue repair

▪️Speeds up recovery

▪️Increases joint range of movement

▪️Helps keep joints flexible

▪️Helps ease painful, sore joints

▪️Relaxes the nervous system

▪️Assists in proprioception

▪️Improves co-ordination and balance

▪️Reduces crookedness and helps develop muscles more evenly

▪️Relaxes the horse’s mind and body

▪️Improves coat and skin condition

📲 If you think your horse could benefit from Equine Massage Therapy please do get in touch to find out more or to book and appointment 📲