The skin rolling technique and how it can benefit for your horse


Lovely Sunset enjoying some Skin Rolling to the Pectoral and Abdominal muscles using The Fascial Edge Tool 😌


▪️What is Skin Rolling❓

Skin rolling is a technique used in both human and equine massage

This technique releases muscular knots and adhesions so that skin can flow efficiently over the body.

▪️How is Skin Rolling applied❓

Skin Rolling can be applied using the thumb and fingers to pull skin away from the tissue.

It is then rolled forwards in a constant motion to help separate it from being stuck from muscle.

Skin Rolling can also be applied using The Fascial Edge Tool.

▪️Why is Skin Rolling applied❓

Skin Rolling is used for releasing and clearing obstructions within the soft tissues.

Skin rolling can also be used around areas of scar tissues to help break it down.

This technique can also produce a therapeutic effect and decrease stress levels.

▪️What are the benefits of Skin Rolling❓

🔺Stimulates the widening and number of blood cells, increasing the amount of blood circulation. (Supplying oxygen and nutrients to the area which are vital to help repair any damaged cells and increase healing)

🔺Increases temperature of the soft tissue helping the muscle tissue loosen and relax.

🔺Increases tissue elasticity and flexibility

🔺Breaks down and realigns collagen fibres (Adhesions formed in soft tissues can restrict movement and cause discomfort)

If you think tour horse could benefit from and Equine Massage Treatment please do get in touch to find out more or to book an appointment 📲