Balance Training for horses - find out more.......


Those of you that have been following my social media may have seen that I have recently been experimenting with balance pads with my own horses.


I have had a couple of horses recently that I have been treating that for one reason or another required a way to increase their core strength and stability but in a relatively low intensity way, which got me thinking and researching!

I came up with the idea of using balance training as part of my arsenal of therapies, something simple that owners could also learn and apply if they wanted to.

What is balance training?

Balance training uses foam pads that your horse is encouraged to stand on with 1, 2, 3 or all four feet.

Balance training is a great way to help your horse develop body awareness, body confidence and core strength.

I will now be carrying with me a set of four 60mm EVA foam balance pads which I have specifically selected for the purpose of helping healthy horses to improve their co-ordination, proprioception, core stability and posture.

Whilst standing on the unstable surface of the pads your horse will need to make multiple micro-adjustments to their posture and utilise their core stability muscles in order to remain as stable as possible.

Balance training is about strengthening muscles and improving stability which is so important for your riding horses as they not only have to balance themselves but their rider too!

[Please note I will not be using the balance pads with any horse with a soft tissue injury or that is currently under veterinary care unless the vet has explicitly consented to this therapy]

How is balance training applied?

Application will vary from case to case depending on where your horse’s weaknesses or asymmetries may be.

Typically balance pads will not be used in an initial assessment and treatment but as part of follow up sessions.

Your horse will be carefully introduced to the pads so that they find the experience positive and relaxing.

For this reason it may take several sessions before your horse is comfortable with standing on all four pads for any length of time.

Once your horse is comfortable with the pads further exercises can be slowly introduced simultaneously to standing on the pads.


What are the benefits of balance training?

There are many benefits to Balance Training, these include:

  • Activates core stability muscles

  • Challenges the bodies' vestibular system (improving co-ordination)

  • Increases proprioception (awareness of where the body is in space)

  • Assists in improving joint stability

  • Assists in developing a healthy and strong posture (good balance requires good posture)

  • Can assist in injury prevention

  • Low intensity exercise so suitable for lots of horses (so long as they are in general good health)

  • Strengthen muscles, quickly increasing their power output which translates into the ridden work and training

  • Increases body confidence

  • Can assist in mental confidence and have a calming effect

I am excited to add balance training as part of the therapies I can offer in order to achieve my goal of helping your horses to be the best version of themselves they can be!

If you would like to find out more or you would like to book your horse in for an appointment please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Jessica Limpkin Equine Massage Therapy

Jessica Limpkin