A Gentle Touch Is Often More Than Enough - Myofascial Work, Find Out More..........


I have had some gorgeous moments this week, where horses I have been treating with Myofascial work have stretched themselves unprompted upon release of the fascia 😍

Unfortunately this hasn't been caught on camera 💁🏼‍♀️

But I still wanted to talk about it........


I sometimes worry that when I appear still, that the horse's owner will wonder what I am actually doing❓

Especially when I am also chatting to them - am I actually achieving anything 🤔

But I can assure you I am❗️

In fact the work I am doing with my still hand may be more profound than you can ever imagine 😯

During these times I am most likely working on restrictions in your horse's myofascia.

▪️Myofascial Therapy is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion

▪️Myofascia is the name given to the part of the connective tissue system (fascia) beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses and separates every muscle of the body

▪️When the fascia is in its normal healthy state it is a relaxed and supple web - like the weave in a loose-knit sweater. When it is restricted, it is more rigid and less pliable, and can create pulls, tensions, and pressure

▪️The fascia is a continuous system, running from head to tail and has three layers:

🔺Superficial fascia, which lies directly below the skin. It stores fat and water, allows nerves to run through it, and allows muscle to move the skin.

🔺Deep fascia, which surrounds and infuses with muscle, bone, nerves, and blood vessels to the cellular level.

🔺Deepest fascia, which sits within the dura of cranial sacral system.

▪️Fascia restrictions can occur within any or all of the layers

▪️Tightness of the tissues can restrict motion or pull the body out of alignment, causing the horse to feel a sense of excessive pressure on muscles or joints that produces pain

▪️Myofascial therapy techniques are designed to go in and smooth out those hard knots, returning the fascia to its normal fluid and adaptable self

▪️A gentle, sustained pressure is applied to points of restriction, allowing the connective tissue to release

▪️The important factor of Myofascial Therapy is the depth of the therapy and the time element

▪️This is a very gentle therapy but the effects are profound and the horse often display emotional as well as physical releases during Myofascial Therapy

▪️There are many benefits to Myofascial Therapy, these include:

🔺Reduction of inflammation

🔺Reduction of muscle and nerve pain

🔺Decreasing fascial tension

🔺Stretching and elongating tissues

🔺Increase of power, strength and endurance

🔺Increase metabolic efficiency

🔺Increase biomechanical efficiency

If you think your horse could benefit from Equine Massage Therapy please do get in touch to find out more or to book and appointment 📲